Anyone who is 23, has a two year old son, and is ranked among the top ten models in the whole world is definitely a seriously cool customer.
I was very lucky to get to chat to Arizona today and she told me a few interesting things...
1) If you could change anything about your body what would it be?
AM: i wish i had a wonky nose.
2) What do you enjoy doing most in the world?
AM: sleeping but thats a really boring answer so..... moving apartments and getting into clean space.
3) What’s your favourite item of clothing?
AM: An Altuzzara jacket with a fur trim hood that i LOVE.
4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
AM: with a 7 and a half year old son still living in New York modeling but doing other things as well perhaps in film??
5) What would be your greatest words of wisdom?
AM: When you make a choice choose whats going to make you happy in the moment and not what's going to make you happy in 10 years time or some point in the future.
and never buy things just because there on sale.
Arizona, Terry Richardson, and Freja Baha Erichsen.